The best recommendation I can offer is smart enough to navigate. This means you should always check the URL of the bank, a social networking site, e-mail and the site before entering into most browsers, including Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, now in color change in address bar on the left to show that the site is verified as legitimate. It 's always a good idea to write the URL by hand, and never follow links to e-mail. Also check the HTTPS instead of HTTP is less secure a good idea, even if HTTPS is not infallible.
But what about the supposed link to some videos funny best friend has just published on Twitter? There are several services you can use to check a link. Google Safe Browsing is a good place to start. In this type of http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site URL = followed by the site you want to check, such as google.com or IP address. They let you know if malware is hosted in the past 90 days.
Another similar service is hpHosts. Enter the search box of the site and the database will tell you if the site was used to distribute malware or phishing. HpHosts to provide more detailed information than Google Safe Browsing, if you are interested in this sort of thing. Two other excellent services are the Norton Safe Web, from Symantec and parasites Unmasked. Pop in the URL, and you're done. Or, if your site back to insecure, do not go.
Many security suites, browser add-ons to control link to click on the fly, and they work quite well in the scan results, and the addition of icons to indicate when the connection is secure or not. If you do not have a suite, AVG LinkScanner (download for Windows | Mac) is a free add-on that works with both Windows and Mac, and AVG is free Mobilation Android (download) or Lookout Mobile Security (download) to avoid link harmful to your Android device.
Unfortunately, the iPhone and iPad are out of luck. Although phishing on social networks have proven to work on IOS devices, which are not jailbroken, Apple does not allow such a link-control apps. Do not hesitate to recommend your favorite in the comment box below.
UPDATE: The instructions Google Safe Browsing and address have been corrected.