Here’s what the 18-year-old Pretty Reckless singer had to share:
On her look: “I love stripper shoes and I always try to find the tallest ones. I’m always surprised no one talks about my shoes. I’m, like, on stage in 15-inch heels but people talk more about my eye make-up, which has stayed the same forever. I always think that’s funny. I’m 5’8”. So I’m really tall.”
On her ideal guy: “I don’t like guys who overdress. And I don’t like guys who try too hard. My biggest thing is be yourself. Be yourself and if people don’t like you, then they can suck a d*ck. If they don’t like you, then they’re not the type of person you should be around. I don’t like people who pretend to be something to fit into a certain crowd or guys who pay more attention to how they look than you do – that’s not a good thing.”
On fronting a rock band: “It’s awesome. They’re like my best friends. We have the best chemistry. There’s never a bad day and I love it. It’s like, you know, living the dream. That sounds so contrived, but it’s true. Most of my favourite bands are from England. You guys have the best bands. The Beatles, Zeppelin, The Who, you have frickin’ all of them! America loses there. We still have a couple of good ones, but you guys have the greats.”
Click here to see 10 Photos Taylor Momsen 'FHM' March 2012
Text source : justjared.buzznet.com